Tuesday, November 29, 2022


There is more than ever talk about quantum entanglement, a rather unusual effect called spooky by Einstein because it makes no sense and defies explanation for a very long time.

Two quantum particles separated by a significant distance are supposed to be somehow linked together. For example, two photons, two electrons, or two ions are considered to communicate instantaneously, even over large distances, in violation of the maximum speed of light.

If one particle is subject to noise coming from the environment, testing equipment, etc., the other particle would have to undergo similar noise effects even though it is in a different location. Since noise is random in time, it cannot be reproduced in two different locations; it cannot even be reproduced twice in the exact location. The noise distributions can be the same in two different places, but not the noise values. It's just the result of the probabilistic nature of everything around us. So the idea that one particle is somehow talking to the other particle in an environment surrounded by noise is not accurate.

No fundamental force in nature could also be responsible for such bizarre behavior. None of the four known forces fits. Not the strong force, not the weak force, not the electromagnetic force, not the gravitational force. Is there a fifth, as yet still undiscovered, fundamental force? That is not very likely. Let's stop using Einstein's description of quantum entanglement as spooky; let's start using a new name for it - a hoax, a measurement error followed by a wrong interpretation. And then plenty of hype and all the beautiful things around us once we genuinely harness it.

There is just nothing to quantum entanglement!

1 comment:

Vatsek said...

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