Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Try to solve those problems:

1) Einstein said that mass and energy are equivalent in the famous E=mc^2. However, we now know that m≠E/c^2. Explain why?

2) Explain why quantum computers don't work. This is very simple.

3) Explain why Shor's algorithm for finding the prime factors of an integer does not work. It has to be more than just because it comes from MIT; what else would you expect?

4) Explain the origin of the Universe. The explanation could be scientific, philosophical, religious, etc. However, remember that it cannot contain a "something from nothing" part because something cannot be made from nothing in our Universe.

5) Explain the origin of the first primitive living organism on Earth.

6) People are not central to the Universe. Explain why the Universe is so enormous. People may be able to travel to the closest stars, which are basically rocks. Then, what is most of the Universe for?

7) Einstein assumed that the speed of light c is constant everywhere. However, he did not have data to make such an assumption. Come up with an experiment that proves Einstein wrong. Once verified, you will become the first to realize that all existing physics is just a bunch of baloney. Just remember who told you about this problem!

8) Explain where the first positive and negative charges came from?

1 comment:

Vatsek said...

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