Wednesday, June 26, 2024


By now, you already know that in the World created by God, there would be no sex. Sex would not serve any purpose because all people would be created by God. Those people would look very similar to people now living on Earth; however, they would not have any sexual organs. Every person would have a small hole for urinating. No sexual human reproduction would exist. Non-reproductive functions of sexual organs would be reassigned by God to other organs.

Those people would not know the word sex. God would decide if sex existed in an animal kingdom; let's not second guess God on that subject.

In such a World, there would be no men, women, or people of intermediate sexes. If those people wanted to have children, they would say a prayer to God, which could look like this:

"Or dear God, I would like to have two children, one three-year-old and one five-year-old. Can you please deliver them this afternoon in the kitchen (or some other place of your choice)?"

Since this is a straightforward request, you would hear a boom in your kitchen, and God would create two kids for you. One would be a three-year-old, and the other would be a five-year-old, created on the same day. Yes, the all-mighty could do that!

Those kids would also not have any sexual organs, either.

If someone placed an order that was out of this World, for example, wanted to have one million strong armies for some devious purposes and asked God for 18-25-year-olds delivered today, God would reject that order.

"No, Elon, I can create fifteen kids for you, but eventually, you must quit asking."

Families would look different. Groups of people residing in the same place would care for their kids. Once people got older and needed help, they would ask God to create for them younger helpers. Kids could also ask God to create older guardians who differ from the original requesters.

In such a World, there would be only one religion, as you might have already guessed, called God's Religion, or GR. The religious hate that exists in our World would be automatically eliminated. If you don't believe that religious hate exists, just check the news on the web.

There would be advantages and disadvantages to such a World, as always. The list of advantages is very long; it would take numerous pages to spell all of them out.

There would be some disadvantages, although that list is much shorter, try to make one on your own.

The most important advantages, in no particular order:

1) Popes would not masturbate in the garden.

2) No pedophilia in the Catholic Church and other religious institutions.

3) There would be no virginity.

4) The Virgin Mary would not exist.

5) There would be no Jesus Christ. Since one powerful God already existed, there would be no need for some lesser, second tear helpers.

6) The primary religious documents would look very different. There would be nothing related to sex; there would be much more truth in them.

7) No religious Christmas or Easter. There would be different religious holidays. You can develop some ideas and whisper them to God for approval. Santa Claus would be there, for sure.

8) God would show up in religious places and leave some money for his created children. God would not hide in a place with an unknown direction. God would be among his created people, take care of them, and not chicken out.

9) No rape, adultery, sodomy, sex-related murders.

10) No hush money to cover adulteries and rapes.

11) No porn industry.

12) No breast, uterus, testicular, and penis cancers. No ovarian cysts, C-sections, PMS, ED, PE, queefing, etc.

13) No miscarriages, abortions, breech, and stillborn babies.

14) People would have complete control over their bodies, which God would grant them upon creation.

15) No need for mother's milk or baby formula. No diapers, pacifiers, or strollers, either.

16) No venereal diseases.

17) No prostitution. Nothing ever worked to stop prostitution; suddenly, with God's intervention, it's gone.

18) No embryo freezing.

19) No castration.

20) No genital mutilation.

21) There would be no discussions on when life originates. Life would originate during God's creation in the kitchen. It's that simple.

22) No gynecology, no funny-looking doctor's tools.

23) No penile extensions, or penis pumps, Bob.

24) If you stayed in a motel, you would never hear this at night, "Oh God, oh God, oh Gooood...".

25) No Hollywood. Arnold Schwarzenegger would never become such a big-ass movie superstar.

26) Same bathrooms for everyone.

27) People would be walking around either wearing clothes or not wearing clothes. The word "naked" would have no meaning since those people would have nothing to hide.

28) The words "he" and "she" would not exist in the English language. There would be a need for a new word describing people created by God. Think about such a word.

You can keep adding your own ideas, as many of them exist.

More along the same lines: World Created by God.

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