Saturday, July 27, 2024


If you are a believer, you instantly shout aloud, "Yes, of course!"

But let's put that to an unbiased scientific test. This test applies universally to all religions; it does not favor any religion, it does not discriminate against any religion, it does not attempt to trash any religion, and it does not attempt to move you away from your religion.

To start, choose an item around you that you consider to be religious or non-religious.

That item must satisfy specific requirements:

1) It has to be something you can see with your own eyes. It cannot be something other people saw in the sky and still talk about. It cannot be a rumor. That item must exist. You can even pick yourself, someone near you, or a group of people you can see.

2) If you wanted to touch that item, you could do so. Touching is not mandatory, but if you want to check if that item exists, you can do it. That item can be a fair distance away from you. If it's a fire, touching is not recommended for obvious reasons.

3) That item must have some weight. If you insist on running this experiment in space, that would be allowed since microgravity exists there, and the item would indeed have some small weight.

4) It cannot be light because light has energy but not weight.

5) It cannot be an excerpt from a religious publication because there is no scientific proof that the described item existed. Religious publications are notorious for presenting false facts that nobody can verify. The writers of those publications lived even thousands of years ago; in some cases, their understanding of the surrounding world was poor, often resulting in writing pure nonsense. It did make sense to them back then, but it makes no sense to us today.

You would need witnesses to verify that the experiment is taking place. However, sometimes witnesses are unreliable or recall facts that never happened. To prevent false claims, you or someone around you must film the scene with a cell phone or camera. The video must be unedited; all animations and AI entries will be automatically disqualified as unreliable.

These are the steps you need to take:

1) Get in touch with your God by praying or using methods known to you. Anything is allowed; there are no limits at this stage.

2) Ask God to lift that item.

3) Ask God to hold that item in the air for a minute or two minutes so people around you can verify that something is indeed happening. The exact time is optional; however, it should be manageable because your smartphone batteries would die.

4) Ask God to move that item in any direction. Leave to God how far it should be, and let God decide on direction.

5) Ask God again to hold that item in a new position for some time, perhaps a minute or two minutes.

6) Ask God to lower that item slowly and gently down. If you prayed to God to lift you, you don't want to be released, dumped, and hurt.

7) Once you finish filming or give up, ask God to return that item to its original location.

This is the whole experimental verification.

You can try this experiment several times daily for the rest of your life. Tell every single person you ever meet to try it. Even though this is a homework assignment, there is no due date; you do not have to turn it in, and it will not be graded. You simply cannot pass this test!

Now, here is an explanation of why you will always fail:

The world has only four fundamental forces: the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force inside the atom's nucleus, the electromagnetic force, and the gravity. There are rumors about the fifth fundamental force, but they have not been confirmed. You should by now notice that your God and you are not on the list of fundamental forces. There are things that you cannot do, and there are things that your God cannot do. For God to pass this test, God would have to be able to have complete control over all four forces, but God is not even on the list and can control nothing.

If you come back tomorrow and claim to have run the experiment, and your God responded, but you do not have the relevant video, your entry will not be accepted.

Existing religions did not come from above; people created religions to fill voids in their understanding of their surroundings. They knew nothing about the fundamental forces in nature because this understanding is very recent. The fundamental forces do not understand the concept of religion and don't understand the idea of God. No matter how hard you try, you cannot force God on those forces. Therefore, the scientific method is totally unbiased.

BTW, this experiment does not attempt to verify whether God exists. It simply proves that God never answers people's prayers, nothing more than that. If you are upset after reading this blog, try the test again; you will always fail it. So, there must be something right to it.

Good luck!


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