Wednesday, July 24, 2024


This issue has been discussed in the media; this is just an expanded summary with additional personal observations.

1) As you already know, the US presidential elections are not democratic.

2) The country has two ruling parties, and the President always comes from those two parties. There are some other parties, but no president has ever been elected from those other parties. The election system always prevented this from happening.

3) People in the US do not have the right to vote for the President. Yes, it's true. People vote for the committee called the Electoral College. If you already say it does not matter, follow my advice. Why don't you transfer all of your money to my bank account? Then, if you need a buck, call me. You will get it. After all, it's your money!

4) It's a closed system. Party officials choose committee members, and the committee decides the President. To prevent an outsider from playing any role in the government. This system is open to manipulation since it is straightforward to convince several committee members to change their minds rather than change the minds of tens of millions of voters.

5) The United States has never had an elected President. All Presidents but one have been selected by the committee. On one occasion, the President was selected by the Supreme Court. The President chooses members for the Supreme Court, who select the President. Again, the same closed approach. The members of the Supreme Court can be crooks in such a system; do you know something about it?

6) Voters do not have the right to vote ruling parties out of the government. In democratic countries, this is possible and happens very often. In democratic elections, there are winners and losers. In the US elections, there is a "winner" from one party and a person from the second party waiting for four more years to be elected. There are no losers in the US-style elections. Party officials just throw names from one side of the aisle to the other side of the aisle. In the old Soviet system, members of the Politburo used to say, "Since Communism is the best political system that people can have, why would anybody ever want to change it?". Sounds familiar?

7) There are many instances where government officials could alter the President's choice outside of the regular voting. For example, governors can choose to certify or not certify results. The vice president can decide to reject the winner. The vice president can choose himself as the winner even without running for that position. The Congress can change the outcome of elections. The losing President does not have to accept the results since the elections are fraudulent. The losing President decides to stay in the White House, etc. The only people who are getting really fucked are the US voters.

8) There are countless other issues, for example, gerrymandering, people with half vote, Western states not even counting in voting, whoever is winning gets all votes, and shit like that.

9) A relatively small number of people in two parties "elect" the President. The 150 million voters asked to vote because of some blah, blah rhetoric actually are a big herd led to believe they are making something meaningful for the country. The system, with its fraudulent rules, "elects" the President. Don't tell me you didn't know that?

10) Remember, if you ever want to change, this will work very much against you. The National Guard is on standby. The military is controlled by the President. There are many organizations ready to defend the President, a two-party system, bipartisan bullshit, a so-called democratic system, members of Congress so old that their tits sag all the way to the floor, etc. The vast network of underground tunnels under the government buildings in Washington, DC, which has never been penetrated so far, is the best assurance that nothing will change. The US prison system can accommodate many newcomers who stray from the official two-party way of thinking. So, shut your mouth, fuck off, vote, and die American!

11) The message the country rulers send to the voters through their election system is as follows. We are ready if you ever stand up, open your mouth, or think of changing it. We can kill thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and scare the remaining millions. There is nothing you can do! If you have your vote in your hand, spread your legs and shove it up your ass. This is where it belongs. We know how to "elect" our President; you don't have to tell us that.

12) So, the President was "elected". Now, the swearing-in ceremony. One hand on the Constitution, which still refers to slavery, so it's just a piece of shit that the "President" is going to defend. It starts with "Fuck the People", this one is correct. The second hand on the Bible, which, of course, is full of lies. Why would somebody want to include that? And if the next "President" accidentally opens it, condoms would fall out.

1 comment:

Vatsek said...

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