Monday, July 15, 2024


As you already know, in the World created by God, there would be no sex. All people would be created by God, and sexual reproduction among people would not exist. Details here: God and Sex.

Now, we will explore additional features that such a World would entail.

1) There would be no cars. If people wanted to go somewhere, they would ask God to take them there. The same applies to motorcycles, buses, trains, ships, boats, plains, metros, balloons, etc. Bicycles would exist for recreational purposes only. God would not allow people to get cold or wet or be exposed to elements during transfer. All car parking lots and air pollution caused by cars and buses would be gone.

God would also handle the transportation of commercial products. People in charge of transportation would say prayers to God, specify items to transfer, and describe the final destination, and God would handle the work very quickly. Many products would fly across the countries and continents in little time. There would be no delays in delivery or missing or damaged items.

2) Private houses and commercial buildings would look very different. Those houses would have no walls, floors, or ceilings. People would always be stepping on the hands of God. The walls would be transparent from the inside but reflective from the outside. The wind or rain would not go through them; the heat would be kept inside. God would provide excellent living and working conditions. Essentially, it is a more advanced God-designed air-conditioning approach. Inside buildings, there would be no chairs, tables, or shelves. People would sit on the hands of God. Food would be served on plates, but God would hold all plates, glasses, and utensils in the air. TVs and pictures would not be attached to the walls. God would hold them. Books would not be on the shelves. God would simply hold them where you would like them to be. The same applies to clothes; there would not be any need for hangers. God would handle the washing and drying of clothes, as well. Let's leave that up to God whether clothes would be needed at all. Same with the dishes. Now you understand how this works. If you want to move a meat tenderizer from the table, you say a prayer to God, and God moves it aside and holds it there. There would be a space with a very low temperature, but it would be transparent, so some foods would be kept there and be visible. People on our Earth call such a place a fridge. There would be an oven for cooking and baking, but God would also hold it.

There would be no restrooms inside or outside. People would urinate, defecate, and vomit directly into the hands of God. There would be no showers; God would lick their bodies to keep them always clean.

If people lived on the 82nd floor without elevators, God would open the doors and get them to their locations.

3) Don't even think God would abandon his creations by hiding in some comfortable place. God would never do that!

4) People would hold regular jobs and work for a living. However, God would handle all transportation to and from work. People could take short routes or scenic routes to enjoy lush nature. At work, God would keep all equipment and tools in place. If the equipment broke down, God would arrange for mechanics to fix it. Nothing at work would be arranged with the help of sex. Microsoft would not exist, no Apple and Lisa, no Intel.

5) Shopping for food, furniture, clothes, etc., would be a pleasure because God would handle all deliveries to people's houses. If a bought table required some additional assembly, God would take care of it, and by the time you came back from the store, the old table would be disposed of, and the new one would be in place, with God holding it in his hands.

It would be acceptable to order something from the web; God would quickly deliver your items. You would have lots of freedom in making your decisions.

Shops and libraries would have no shelves since God would hold all items.

Companies like USPS, UPS, FedEx, Amazon, Uber, Lyft, HelloFresh, drone deliveries, and other delivery services would not exist. There would be no postage stamps, and dogs would not bite postmen.

6) If you wanted to go to the beach and spend time near a river or lake, you could do that with a prayer to God. Nobody would ever drown in a lake because God always held their heads above water.

There would be no avalanches in the mountains where people went hiking or skiing. There would be no tornadoes, floods, volcano eruptions, earthquakes or monsoons.

7) There would be no car accidents because there would be cars. The World in which nobody tells people that they are going to be run over by a big rig on a highway and die in five minutes is difficult to fathom.

8) People would never fall, break bones, and die because of internal injuries. God would always catch them. The idea that God would know about people who were about to fall, watching them, laughing his ass off, and not helping them, is absolutely outrageous.

9) Many musical instruments would exist, but people would have to practice hard and long to achieve proficiency. God would not play instruments for them because all music would sound the same. God would provide you all notes if needed; for example, you would say, "God, I want the A note," and God would give you A. God would also not sing; you must create your own singing. If God sang, then this would become so fucking boring in no time. That's why.

10) If people wanted to write books, they would have to do it independently. God would not help them with the subject or style to avoid all books looking identical. God would reject all ChatGPT-enhanced books.

11) If you want to shoot your own movie, start shooting. There would be no porn movies because there would be no sex.

12) Many board or card games would exist, but God would stay away from those to avoid playing with himself.

13) There would be no issue with the Olympics and sports in general. A winner would be found since participating people would be younger and older, weaker and more robust, and those who trained more, less, or nothing. Of course, all participants would be running in the hands of God.

14) There would be no taxes and IRS. Can you believe it?

15) No governments, presidents, prime ministers, or kings would exist. Nobody would ever attempt to assassinate a presidential candidate. No prime minister would ever have to be endorsed by the king.

16) Health care would not exist. Nobody would catch a cold, lose sight, develop diseases, and no COVID. Those things would not exist.

17) If people wanted to die, after seeing and experiencing almost everything, they would say a prayer to God and be taken outside the city or village, where they would stay forever, in very tall piles.

18) Such a World would be very different from our World.

You can add items since you now understand God's paradigm.


Vatsek said...

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