Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Buffet Secrets - The Takeout

But food is good.

Saturday, August 24, 2024


Ukraine's Collaboration Law - BBC


Quantum Network in NYC - PRX Quantum

Can this become the future of communication? So far, it's fairly slow and only lasts for a short time.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Ketogenic diet but not free-sugar restriction alters glucose tolerance, lipid metabolism, peripheral tissue phenotype, and gut microbiome: RCT

More on Keto Diet - Cell Reports Medicine

The ketogenic diet is also carcinogenic and comes with free metastasis; who wouldn't want to try that one?

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


Inside Micron's Factory in Taiwan - TaiwanPlus Docs on YouTube

Absolutely amazing production line of advanced semiconductors.


Taylor Swift's Diet - The List

No, this cannot be considered healthy. Hamburgers, fries, ketchup with sugar, Coke with a ton of sugar, ice cream with even more sugar - what is that? That's longevity cut by five years.

Thursday, August 8, 2024


Intermittent fasting, autophagy, longevity - Nature Cell Biology


TSMC Chipmaking Issues in Arizona - The New York Times

It takes hard work to be number one in the silicon chipmaking business. America is beginning to learn that with the ultimate outcome still up in the air.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024


Taylor Swift Cancels Eras Tour Concerts in Vienna - Variety

Sometimes, it's better to cancel three concerts to avoid being attacked by terrorists.

Monday, August 5, 2024


Keto Diet Reduces Health - New York Post

The Keto diet was a fad; it's slowly dying down, and its side effects are genuine. Somebody decided that to lose fat, you should consume lots of fat. Really?

Friday, August 2, 2024


Aerosmith Done with Touring - Variety

Can Joe Biden replace Steven Tyler?

Thursday, August 1, 2024


7-Day Mediterranean Diet Plan - Eating Well

This diet is good. It's challenging to find something rather pessimistic about it. Try it for a while, and your health will likely improve.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024


You can find more info about the National Day of Prayer on Wikipedia. We propose modifications to the prayer day based on our previous considerations: Does God Answer Prayers? You are asked to read it first to understand our proposal.

Moving forward, all participants on prayer day must take the test described in the above publication. They are to choose a religious or nonreligious item, pray to God to move it up, hold it for a while, move in any direction, hold it again, and slowly and gently lower it down. That's it. There are some requirements for choosing that item. As evidence, recording a video is needed to prove that the experiment is working and that God answered prayer.

If a participant cannot provide a video verifying God's response, that person should be automatically excluded from the event. There is no need for quacks and fakers to pretend something that is not happening. And there is no reason to use taxpayers' money to subsidize such an event.

Saturday, July 27, 2024


If you are a believer, you instantly shout aloud, "Yes, of course!"

But let's put that to an unbiased scientific test. This test applies universally to all religions; it does not favor any religion, it does not discriminate against any religion, it does not attempt to trash any religion, and it does not attempt to move you away from your religion.

To start, choose an item around you that you consider to be religious or non-religious.

That item must satisfy specific requirements:

1) It has to be something you can see with your own eyes. It cannot be something other people saw in the sky and still talk about. It cannot be a rumor. That item must exist. You can even pick yourself, someone near you, or a group of people you can see.

2) If you wanted to touch that item, you could do so. Touching is not mandatory, but if you want to check if that item exists, you can do it. That item can be a fair distance away from you. If it's a fire, touching is not recommended for obvious reasons.

3) That item must have some weight. If you insist on running this experiment in space, that would be allowed since microgravity exists there, and the item would indeed have some small weight.

4) It cannot be light because light has energy but not weight.

5) It cannot be an excerpt from a religious publication because there is no scientific proof that the described item existed. Religious publications are notorious for presenting false facts that nobody can verify. The writers of those publications lived even thousands of years ago; in some cases, their understanding of the surrounding world was poor, often resulting in writing pure nonsense. It did make sense to them back then, but it makes no sense to us today.

You would need witnesses to verify that the experiment is taking place. However, sometimes witnesses are unreliable or recall facts that never happened. To prevent false claims, you or someone around you must film the scene with a cell phone or camera. The video must be unedited; all animations and AI entries will be automatically disqualified as unreliable.

These are the steps you need to take:

1) Get in touch with your God by praying or using methods known to you. Anything is allowed; there are no limits at this stage.

2) Ask God to lift that item.

3) Ask God to hold that item in the air for a minute or two minutes so people around you can verify that something is indeed happening. The exact time is optional; however, it should be manageable because your smartphone batteries would die.

4) Ask God to move that item in any direction. Leave to God how far it should be, and let God decide on direction.

5) Ask God again to hold that item in a new position for some time, perhaps a minute or two minutes.

6) Ask God to lower that item slowly and gently down. If you prayed to God to lift you, you don't want to be released, dumped, and hurt.

7) Once you finish filming or give up, ask God to return that item to its original location.

This is the whole experimental verification.

You can try this experiment several times daily for the rest of your life. Tell every single person you ever meet to try it. Even though this is a homework assignment, there is no due date; you do not have to turn it in, and it will not be graded. You simply cannot pass this test!

Now, here is an explanation of why you will always fail:

The world has only four fundamental forces: the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force inside the atom's nucleus, the electromagnetic force, and the gravity. There are rumors about the fifth fundamental force, but they have not been confirmed. You should by now notice that your God and you are not on the list of fundamental forces. There are things that you cannot do, and there are things that your God cannot do. For God to pass this test, God would have to be able to have complete control over all four forces, but God is not even on the list and can control nothing.

If you come back tomorrow and claim to have run the experiment, and your God responded, but you do not have the relevant video, your entry will not be accepted.

Existing religions did not come from above; people created religions to fill voids in their understanding of their surroundings. They knew nothing about the fundamental forces in nature because this understanding is very recent. The fundamental forces do not understand the concept of religion and don't understand the idea of God. No matter how hard you try, you cannot force God on those forces. Therefore, the scientific method is totally unbiased.

BTW, this experiment does not attempt to verify whether God exists. It simply proves that God never answers people's prayers, nothing more than that. If you are upset after reading this blog, try the test again; you will always fail it. So, there must be something right to it.

Good luck!

Friday, July 26, 2024

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Wednesday, July 24, 2024


This issue has been discussed in the media; this is just an expanded summary with additional personal observations.

1) As you already know, the US presidential elections are not democratic.

2) The country has two ruling parties, and the President always comes from those two parties. There are some other parties, but no president has ever been elected from those other parties. The election system always prevented this from happening.

3) People in the US do not have the right to vote for the President. Yes, it's true. People vote for the committee called the Electoral College. If you already say it does not matter, follow my advice. Why don't you transfer all of your money to my bank account? Then, if you need a buck, call me. You will get it. After all, it's your money!

4) It's a closed system. Party officials choose committee members, and the committee decides the President. To prevent an outsider from playing any role in the government. This system is open to manipulation since it is straightforward to convince several committee members to change their minds rather than change the minds of tens of millions of voters.

5) The United States has never had an elected President. All Presidents but one have been selected by the committee. On one occasion, the President was selected by the Supreme Court. The President chooses members for the Supreme Court, who select the President. Again, the same closed approach. The members of the Supreme Court can be crooks in such a system; do you know something about it?

6) Voters do not have the right to vote ruling parties out of the government. In democratic countries, this is possible and happens very often. In democratic elections, there are winners and losers. In the US elections, there is a "winner" from one party and a person from the second party waiting for four more years to be elected. There are no losers in the US-style elections. Party officials just throw names from one side of the aisle to the other side of the aisle. In the old Soviet system, members of the Politburo used to say, "Since Communism is the best political system that people can have, why would anybody ever want to change it?". Sounds familiar?

7) There are many instances where government officials could alter the President's choice outside of the regular voting. For example, governors can choose to certify or not certify results. The vice president can decide to reject the winner. The vice president can choose himself as the winner even without running for that position. The Congress can change the outcome of elections. The losing President does not have to accept the results since the elections are fraudulent. The losing President decides to stay in the White House, etc. The only people who are getting really fucked are the US voters.

8) There are countless other issues, for example, gerrymandering, people with half vote, Western states not even counting in voting, whoever is winning gets all votes, and shit like that.

9) A relatively small number of people in two parties "elect" the President. The 150 million voters asked to vote because of some blah, blah rhetoric actually are a big herd led to believe they are making something meaningful for the country. The system, with its fraudulent rules, "elects" the President. Don't tell me you didn't know that?

10) Remember, if you ever want to change, this will work very much against you. The National Guard is on standby. The military is controlled by the President. There are many organizations ready to defend the President, a two-party system, bipartisan bullshit, a so-called democratic system, members of Congress so old that their tits sag all the way to the floor, etc. The vast network of underground tunnels under the government buildings in Washington, DC, which has never been penetrated so far, is the best assurance that nothing will change. The US prison system can accommodate many newcomers who stray from the official two-party way of thinking. So, shut your mouth, fuck off, vote, and die American!

11) The message the country rulers send to the voters through their election system is as follows. We are ready if you ever stand up, open your mouth, or think of changing it. We can kill thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and scare the remaining millions. There is nothing you can do! If you have your vote in your hand, spread your legs and shove it up your ass. This is where it belongs. We know how to "elect" our President; you don't have to tell us that.

12) So, the President was "elected". Now, the swearing-in ceremony. One hand on the Constitution, which still refers to slavery, so it's just a piece of shit that the "President" is going to defend. It starts with "Fuck the People", this one is correct. The second hand on the Bible, which, of course, is full of lies. Why would somebody want to include that? And if the next "President" accidentally opens it, condoms would fall out.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Monday, July 15, 2024


As you already know, in the World created by God, there would be no sex. All people would be created by God, and sexual reproduction among people would not exist. Details here: God and Sex.

Now, we will explore additional features that such a World would entail.

1) There would be no cars. If people wanted to go somewhere, they would ask God to take them there. The same applies to motorcycles, buses, trains, ships, boats, plains, metros, balloons, etc. Bicycles would exist for recreational purposes only. God would not allow people to get cold or wet or be exposed to elements during transfer. All car parking lots and air pollution caused by cars and buses would be gone.

God would also handle the transportation of commercial products. People in charge of transportation would say prayers to God, specify items to transfer, and describe the final destination, and God would handle the work very quickly. Many products would fly across the countries and continents in little time. There would be no delays in delivery or missing or damaged items.

2) Private houses and commercial buildings would look very different. Those houses would have no walls, floors, or ceilings. People would always be stepping on the hands of God. The walls would be transparent from the inside but reflective from the outside. The wind or rain would not go through them; the heat would be kept inside. God would provide excellent living and working conditions. Essentially, it is a more advanced God-designed air-conditioning approach. Inside buildings, there would be no chairs, tables, or shelves. People would sit on the hands of God. Food would be served on plates, but God would hold all plates, glasses, and utensils in the air. TVs and pictures would not be attached to the walls. God would hold them. Books would not be on the shelves. God would simply hold them where you would like them to be. The same applies to clothes; there would not be any need for hangers. God would handle the washing and drying of clothes, as well. Let's leave that up to God whether clothes would be needed at all. Same with the dishes. Now you understand how this works. If you want to move a meat tenderizer from the table, you say a prayer to God, and God moves it aside and holds it there. There would be a space with a very low temperature, but it would be transparent, so some foods would be kept there and be visible. People on our Earth call such a place a fridge. There would be an oven for cooking and baking, but God would also hold it.

There would be no restrooms inside or outside. People would urinate, defecate, and vomit directly into the hands of God. There would be no showers; God would lick their bodies to keep them always clean.

If people lived on the 82nd floor without elevators, God would open the doors and get them to their locations.

3) Don't even think God would abandon his creations by hiding in some comfortable place. God would never do that!

4) People would hold regular jobs and work for a living. However, God would handle all transportation to and from work. People could take short routes or scenic routes to enjoy lush nature. At work, God would keep all equipment and tools in place. If the equipment broke down, God would arrange for mechanics to fix it. Nothing at work would be arranged with the help of sex. Microsoft would not exist, no Apple and Lisa, no Intel.

5) Shopping for food, furniture, clothes, etc., would be a pleasure because God would handle all deliveries to people's houses. If a bought table required some additional assembly, God would take care of it, and by the time you came back from the store, the old table would be disposed of, and the new one would be in place, with God holding it in his hands.

It would be acceptable to order something from the web; God would quickly deliver your items. You would have lots of freedom in making your decisions.

Shops and libraries would have no shelves since God would hold all items.

Companies like USPS, UPS, FedEx, Amazon, Uber, Lyft, HelloFresh, drone deliveries, and other delivery services would not exist. There would be no postage stamps, and dogs would not bite postmen.

6) If you wanted to go to the beach and spend time near a river or lake, you could do that with a prayer to God. Nobody would ever drown in a lake because God always held their heads above water.

There would be no avalanches in the mountains where people went hiking or skiing. There would be no tornadoes, floods, volcano eruptions, earthquakes or monsoons.

7) There would be no car accidents because there would be cars. The World in which nobody tells people that they are going to be run over by a big rig on a highway and die in five minutes is difficult to fathom.

8) People would never fall, break bones, and die because of internal injuries. God would always catch them. The idea that God would know about people who were about to fall, watching them, laughing his ass off, and not helping them, is absolutely outrageous.

9) Many musical instruments would exist, but people would have to practice hard and long to achieve proficiency. God would not play instruments for them because all music would sound the same. God would provide you all notes if needed; for example, you would say, "God, I want the A note," and God would give you A. God would also not sing; you must create your own singing. If God sang, then this would become so fucking boring in no time. That's why.

10) If people wanted to write books, they would have to do it independently. God would not help them with the subject or style to avoid all books looking identical. God would reject all ChatGPT-enhanced books.

11) If you want to shoot your own movie, start shooting. There would be no porn movies because there would be no sex.

12) Many board or card games would exist, but God would stay away from those to avoid playing with himself.

13) There would be no issue with the Olympics and sports in general. A winner would be found since participating people would be younger and older, weaker and more robust, and those who trained more, less, or nothing. Of course, all participants would be running in the hands of God.

14) There would be no taxes and IRS. Can you believe it?

15) No governments, presidents, prime ministers, or kings would exist. Nobody would ever attempt to assassinate a presidential candidate. No prime minister would ever have to be endorsed by the king.

16) Health care would not exist. Nobody would catch a cold, lose sight, develop diseases, and no COVID. Those things would not exist.

17) If people wanted to die, after seeing and experiencing almost everything, they would say a prayer to God and be taken outside the city or village, where they would stay forever, in very tall piles.

18) Such a World would be very different from our World.

You can add items since you now understand God's paradigm.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Friday, June 28, 2024


If you believe that the US presidential elections are democratic, I have a bridge in San Francisco that I would like to give you.

Yes, go there and take it. It's made from gold. You will have no problems with finding it.

As a matter of fact, if you honestly believe that the US presidential elections have something to do with democracy, why don't you go there and take all of the bridges with you.

Let me give you some pointers, however.

If someone offers you a ride, ensure it's not Paul Pelosi.

If you try to cross a street, make sure that Laura Bush is not a driver.

If you are near KQueerED FM radio station, run as fast as you can; otherwise, you will not be able to sit on your butt for the whole month.

If the US flag is upside down, that's Justice Alito's house; you are close.

If someone is trying to give you free fentanyl with horse tranquilizer, just say, "No."

If a building is shaking, that's not the Big One. Donald Trump is inside.

If someone is trying to help you with directions and you understand shit, that's either a Mexican immigrant or Joe Biden.

If a cop stops you while carrying all those bridges on your back, briefly explain:

"Officer, I believe that the US presidential elections are democratic. I won a bet and got all of those fucking bridges as a reward."

That should work.


Thoughts on Rust - Medium

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


By now, you already know that in the World created by God, there would be no sex. Sex would not serve any purpose because all people would be created by God. Those people would look very similar to people now living on Earth; however, they would not have any sexual organs. Every person would have a small hole for urinating. No sexual human reproduction would exist. Non-reproductive functions of sexual organs would be reassigned by God to other organs.

Those people would not know the word sex. God would decide if sex existed in an animal kingdom; let's not second guess God on that subject.

In such a World, there would be no men, women, or people of intermediate sexes. If those people wanted to have children, they would say a prayer to God, which could look like this:

"Or dear God, I would like to have two children, one three-year-old and one five-year-old. Can you please deliver them this afternoon in the kitchen (or some other place of your choice)?"

Since this is a straightforward request, you would hear a boom in your kitchen, and God would create two kids for you. One would be a three-year-old, and the other would be a five-year-old, created on the same day. Yes, the all-mighty could do that!

Those kids would also not have any sexual organs, either.

If someone placed an order that was out of this World, for example, wanted to have one million strong armies for some devious purposes and asked God for 18-25-year-olds delivered today, God would reject that order.

"No, Elon, I can create fifteen kids for you, but eventually, you must quit asking."

Families would look different. Groups of people residing in the same place would care for their kids. Once people got older and needed help, they would ask God to create for them younger helpers. Kids could also ask God to create older guardians who differ from the original requesters.

In such a World, there would be only one religion, as you might have already guessed, called God's Religion, or GR. The religious hate that exists in our World would be automatically eliminated. If you don't believe that religious hate exists, just check the news on the web.

There would be advantages and disadvantages to such a World, as always. The list of advantages is very long; it would take numerous pages to spell all of them out.

There would be some disadvantages, although that list is much shorter, try to make one on your own.

The most important advantages, in no particular order:

1) Popes would not masturbate in the garden.

2) No pedophilia in the Catholic Church and other religious institutions.

3) There would be no virginity.

4) The Virgin Mary would not exist.

5) There would be no Jesus Christ. Since one powerful God already existed, there would be no need for some lesser, second tear helpers.

6) The primary religious documents would look very different. There would be nothing related to sex; there would be much more truth in them.

7) No religious Christmas or Easter. There would be different religious holidays. You can develop some ideas and whisper them to God for approval. Santa Claus would be there, for sure.

8) God would show up in religious places and leave some money for his created children. God would not hide in a place with an unknown direction. God would be among his created people, take care of them, and not chicken out.

9) No rape, adultery, sodomy, sex-related murders.

10) No hush money to cover adulteries and rapes.

11) No porn industry.

12) No breast, uterus, testicular, and penis cancers. No ovarian cysts, C-sections, PMS, ED, PE, queefing, etc.

13) No miscarriages, abortions, breech, and stillborn babies.

14) People would have complete control over their bodies, which God would grant them upon creation.

15) No need for mother's milk or baby formula. No diapers, pacifiers, or strollers, either.

16) No venereal diseases.

17) No prostitution. Nothing ever worked to stop prostitution; suddenly, with God's intervention, it's gone.

18) No embryo freezing.

19) No castration.

20) No genital mutilation.

21) There would be no discussions on when life originates. Life would originate during God's creation in the kitchen. It's that simple.

22) No gynecology, no funny-looking doctor's tools.

23) No penile extensions, or penis pumps, Bob.

24) If you stayed in a motel, you would never hear this at night, "Oh God, oh God, oh Gooood...".

25) No Hollywood. Arnold Schwarzenegger would never become such a big-ass movie superstar.

26) Same bathrooms for everyone.

27) People would be walking around either wearing clothes or not wearing clothes. The word "naked" would have no meaning since those people would have nothing to hide.

28) The words "he" and "she" would not exist in the English language. There would be a need for a new word describing people created by God. Think about such a word.

You can keep adding your own ideas, as many of them exist.

More along the same lines: World Created by God.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024


McDonald's, AI, IBM no more - AP

Apparently, AI needs to be better.

Thursday, June 13, 2024


IONQ Founders Left the Ship - Inside Quantum Technology

That's what rats do when the ship is sinking.

Check IonQ stock price for the latest developments:

IonQ Stock Price

Friday, June 7, 2024


Van Life Truths - GearJunkie

Monday, June 3, 2024


Ukrainian Drones - Ukrainska Pravda

Such drones can be maneuvered from abroad.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Try to solve those problems:

1) Einstein said that mass and energy are equivalent in the famous E=mc^2. However, we now know that m≠E/c^2. Explain why?

2) Explain why quantum computers don't work. This is very simple.

3) Explain why Shor's algorithm for finding the prime factors of an integer does not work. It has to be more than just because it comes from MIT; what else would you expect?

4) Explain the origin of the Universe. The explanation could be scientific, philosophical, religious, etc. However, remember that it cannot contain a "something from nothing" part because something cannot be made from nothing in our Universe.

5) Explain the origin of the first primitive living organism on Earth.

6) People are not central to the Universe. Explain why the Universe is so enormous. People may be able to travel to the closest stars, which are basically rocks. Then, what is most of the Universe for?

7) Einstein assumed that the speed of light c is constant everywhere. However, he did not have data to make such an assumption. Come up with an experiment that proves Einstein wrong. Once verified, you will become the first to realize that all existing physics is just a bunch of baloney. Just remember who told you about this problem!

8) Explain where the first positive and negative charges came from?


Microplastics in Testicles - Popular Science

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Friday, May 10, 2024

Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Letter to Stockholders - IONQ

  1. Will IonQ, and quantum computing in general, achieve quantum supremacy?

  2. No. There are fundamental reasons why this is not going to happen.

  3. When will the quantum market take off?

  4. Never. Don't invest in it.

  5. Why does IonQ use trapped ion qubits in its quantum systems?

  6. Whatever you pick, the outcome is very much the same junk.

  7. What does IonQ think of other announced breakthroughs in quantum?

  8. Breakthroughs in quantum computing show up all the time. Then, they go away.

  9. Do trapped ion systems have a path to scale?

  10. No, actually, they don't have any.

  11. Are trapped ions fast enough to tackle large applications in the future?

  12. Ion-trapped quantum computers are as slow as molasses in February.

  13. Will IonQ win in the quantum computing market?

  14. Check IONQ quarterly financials: revenue 6.1M, net income -41.9M.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Thursday, April 25, 2024


 1.6nm Process from TSMC - Tom's Hardware

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Tuesday, April 23, 2024


 TSMC in Arizona - Rest of World

Saturday, April 20, 2024


 How To Fight Drones - YouTube Video by Mark Rober


Z80 Discontinued - TechSpot

Absolutely amazing that an 8-bit CPU design from 50 years ago can last that long.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Monday, April 8, 2024

Saturday, April 6, 2024


x and y are Real. f(x) and f(y) are Real. Find f(x) and f(y) if f(f(x+y) = f(x) + f(y)

To find () and (), we need to solve the functional equation ((+))=()+().

Let's denote () as for simplicity:


Now, let's consider some particular values of and to simplify the equation:

  1. Let ==0: ((0))=(0)+(0) ((0))=2(0)

  2. Let =0: (())=()+(0)

  3. Let =0: (())=(0)+()

Now, let's compare the equations from 2 and 3:


This implies that (0) is a constant, let's denote it as . Therefore:

()+=+() ()=

So, ()= for all real values of .

Therefore, () and () are both constant functions, and the value of () and () is the same for any real numbers and .

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